NEW Corporate Manager
A protocol with forms for management of a corporate record book
Objectify important corporate activities required by business corporation statutes, help with audits and avoid piercing of the corporate veil!
A flash drive with suggestions for the ongoing management of your corporation record book with a questionnaire/checklist for annual record book maintenance, 12 pertinent forms and 29 resolutions. A basic set of Microsoft Word and pdf forms that enable you to easily complete and quickly cut and paste the appropriate forms together to create an annual record of actions taken and meetings held by the corporation. Continue reading “NEW Corporate Manager”
New Marketing Pamphlet about Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Avoiding Liability for Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
The New York laws require employers to adopt policies and provide training to prevent sexual harassment.
New York State and New York City recently joined other states and local jurisdictions that have laws to stop sexual harassment in the workplace.
Evolving laws and media attention make stopping sexual harassment imperative for lawyers and their clients, especially in states like New York that require employers to adopt anti-harassment policies and training. Contact clients to make them aware of the anti-harassment laws and explain how you can help by reviewing and updating contracts, policies, training and claim procedures. Continue reading “New Marketing Pamphlet about Sexual Harassment in the Workplace”
An Easy and Efficient Way to Organize Data for Your Heirs
By Mike Forman
COO and VP, Chief Financial Officer, Blumberg
In a world of fast paced, online financial data, it has become increasingly difficult to manage and maintain all our information. Paper vs. paperless, websites, user names and passwords as well as data encryption have most of us struggling to keep a handle on all of it. Now imagine your loved ones having to figure all this out upon your passing. Trying to locate your assets, life insurance and related documents could be a monumental task. Where would they begin?
Continue reading “An Easy and Efficient Way to Organize Data for Your Heirs”
What Is a Lever Arch Binder?
In the background of foreign films set in professional offices, you often see bookshelves full of neat rows of distinctive binders in various colors, with reinforced round holes the size of a quarter on their spine. These are “Lever Arch” Binders. They are the standard way the A-4 paper-size world files their paper records.
Marketing with Law Firm Brochures
Law firm brochures are an effective tool for getting new clients and developing additional work from existing clients. Brochures can provide information about your staff and explain how your services will help solve legal problems and achieve outstanding results. Read on to learn how brochures can benefit your firm.
Changing the Company Name Back to “Blumberg”

When my grandfather Julius founded the company in 1887, he gave the company his name Julius Blumberg, and the legal forms he produced came to be known as Blumberg Forms. With the new year we have returned to the name “Blumberg” as our company name, dropping the “Excelsior” that got added along the way.
Continue reading “Changing the Company Name Back to “Blumberg””
What is Manuscript Cover?
Manuscript cover is a grade of paper that has dimensional stability, durability, a uniform printing surface and folds and scores easily. It is lightly calendared and uncoated, making it the softest and least smooth of the cover grade of paper. This gives it the attractive feel and printing versatility that enables it to be printed on presses and laser and ink jet printers. Continue reading “What is Manuscript Cover?”
The Development of The Jury Case

On my way home after a long day of jury selection in a California Superior Court, it puzzled me that in this million dollar civil lawsuit all the attorneys relied on sticky notes stuck to the back of a legal pad to keep track of juror information during Voir Dire. Sticky notes are great because they can be quickly moved around as jurors shift seats like musical chairs. However, a sticky note fell from the podium and floated to the floor during the questioning of a juror at the absolute wrong time. That was the “ah hah moment” for me. There must be a better way. Continue reading “The Development of The Jury Case”
The “Company Seal”

The seal’s image contains the company name, state and year of organization. It is the symbol of the identity of the company.
The company seal is used to emboss the company’s significant documents, signaling that they are authorized by the Board of Directors, Members or Mangers of the company.