What is Typography?

Looking Good in Print

Typography is the style and appearance of words on paper, computer screens, and other media. It has evolved from primitive drawings on cave walls in ancient times to stunning websites in the digital era. The elements of typography include alignment, color, consistency, contrast, hierarchy, and typeface. Good typography makes writing more effective just like good speaking makes oral arguments more persuasive. 
What is typography?
Read on for tips to enhance the appearance of your correspondence, pleadings, and other legal documents. Continue reading “What is Typography?”

Mastering the Art of Communicating with Letters

By Michael L. Goldblatt 

The history of letter writing began when Egyptians started using papyrus over 30,000 years ago. For thousands of years, letter writing was restricted to governments, merchants, and wealthy individuals. By the 1800’s, letter writing finally became accessible to the masses with the spread of public education, availability of affordable wood-based paper, and drastic reductions in postage rates. Recent technological advances caused a huge decline in letter writing, but it still remains an effective method of communication. Letters are useful for persuading an adversary, explaining complicated issues to a client, and submitting detailed proposals and replies. Letters also work well for personal matters like condolences, congratulations, and thank you’s. Read on for tips for writing professional letters that improve your communications. Continue reading “Mastering the Art of Communicating with Letters”

Marketing with Business Cards

Business Cards, now so ubiquitous, date back to the 16th century, when the footmen of royalty and aristocrats presented cards to the servant of the house to announce their arrival. By the next century, “visiting cards” were widely used in Europe.  About the size of playing cards, the cards were also used to jot down messages.  When tradespeople started to use cards in the early 17th century, London streets had no formal numbering system. So, directions and maps were printed on the card as well as advertising.  With the rise of commerce and a new class of entrepreneurs who needed to exchange information, “trade cards” merged with “visiting cards” to create the business cards we know today

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