
Introducing a New Partner For Residential Lease Management and Distribution for Blumberg Stabilized Lease #327 and the Blumberg Sublease #193.

LeaseFiller a lease writing program which helps property managers and leasing agents easily and efficiently draft leases with their accompanying forms and riders.   Continue reading “LeaseFiller”

What a Portal Can Do for You

Blumberg's Web Portal - Julius®
Blumberg’s Web Portal – Julius®

A web portal is a means of accessing multiple websites via the main website.  

It is, essentially, a “gateway” to other related (and sometimes unrelated) sites.  Web portals were created to enable a user to easily locate and access services, functions, and information that would otherwise be more cumbersome and time-consuming to find.  By branching into various sites through a portal system, a user can find information in a more organized fashion. It would also create a simpler way to engage in that websites various functions without leaving the home website. Continue reading “What a Portal Can Do for You”

Using Checklists to Avoid Problems

The deadly crash of a Boeing B-171 during a 1935 test flight gave birth to the use of checklists by pilots, flight attendants, and ground crews. The crash occurred when the aircraft stalled shortly after takeoff. After the crash, an investigation revealed that the pilot failed to release an elevator lock before takeoff making the plane unresponsive to pitch2 control. To prevent future failures, it was suggested that B-17 pilots use a pre-flight checklist to assure that all systems were operational before takeoff.  Checklists have since spread beyond aviation to construction, education, healthcare, and manufacturing. This article provides tips and resources for lawyers who want to use legal checklists to avoid problems. Continue reading “Using Checklists to Avoid Problems”

Giving Speeches to Get Clients

In the early days of civilization, speechmakers used outdoor forums to communicate ideas and inspire action. In our Internet Age, technology enables speakers to make presentations online, as well as indoors and out. Whichever setting you choose, speeches will help you build your reputation and client base. Read on for speechmaking tips and resources for using speeches to attract new clients and connect with old ones.    
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Writing to Win Clients

About 120 years ago, novelist Emile Zola submitted an article to a Paris daily newspaper about the miscarriage of justice in a criminal case. The article helped win freedom for the accused and lasting recognition for the author.  Lawyers can likewise write articles to gain visibility and win new clients. This article provides writing tips and resources for lawyers who want to write articles to promote their practice.

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Law Firm SEO: How to Improve Your Visibility on Google

Part 3 of a 3 Part Series. Click here for part 2 in series.Law Firm SEO

Welcome back, readers. If you’re just joining us this is the third volume of How to Improve Your Law Firm’s SEO. We started the series by giving the basics requirements for a successful SEO campaign and the importance of Keyword Research and implementation. We followed that up with an in-depth look at On-Page Website Optimizations. Which brings us to our last, but not least, installment: Local SEO and the Importance of Backlinks.

Continue reading “Law Firm SEO: How to Improve Your Visibility on Google”