60 years ago, Pete Seeger created a folk-rock classic by adapting verses from Ecclesiastes into the song Turn, Turn, Turn. The song holds a message of change, hope, and acceptance. It reminds listeners that there are a time and purpose for everything. The evolving Coronavirus situation evokes the song’s theme because there was a time to close offices and now a time for reopening them.
What Is a Corporate Kit and Do I Need One?
A Corporate Kit is a customized organizational binder and a convenient, proven way to maintain your company’s corporate records.
When you form your corporation or LLC (Limited Liability Company), it is critical to objectify the management of the business. This includes an orderly organization of key documents. These documents including minutes of the activities of the company, bylaws, operating agreements, shareholder agreements, share certificates,s and stubs, and transfers.

Well-maintained records are not only a matter of professionalism and convenience but of personal peace of mind. On occasion, courts pierce the company’s “corporate veil” in an attempt to hold the owners personally liable for the debts of the company. Good records can demonstrate the independence of the business from the personal affairs of the owners, an important defense against such claims.
Continue reading “What Is a Corporate Kit and Do I Need One?”Legal Issues Raised By Infecting Someone with COVID-19
Can you be responsible for someone contracting the coronavirus from you? If you get COVID-19, can you sue someone who infected you? Is intentionally infecting someone with COVID-19 a crime?

Perhaps. This article will explore the civil and criminal law issues raised by the coronavirus pandemic and is from the office of noted personal injury and RSD lawyers Schwarz & Schwarz.
Continue reading “Legal Issues Raised By Infecting Someone with COVID-19”Why You Need a Business License

Business licenses
Licenses are required for three primary reasons: To make sure your business is accountable for its actions, to protect public health and safety, and to keep track of your finances for tax purposes.
Continue reading “Why You Need a Business License”New Power of Attorney Forms in New York

On December 15, 2020, Governor Cuomo signed a new law amending the requirements for executing a Power of Attorney form in New York State. The new law is scheduled to take effect in June 2021.
Continue reading “New Power of Attorney Forms in New York”New York Limited Liability Publication Requirements

What is New York’s publication requirement? The LLC publication requirement states that a newly formed LLC must publish in two local newspapers for six consecutive weeks. The county clerk must assign the newspapers in the county in which the LLC maintains its office. Affidavits of publication, issued by the newspapers upon completion of the publication period, must then be filed with the NYS Department of State within one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date the LLC was initially filed. Once this has been completed, the publication requirement has been satisfied, and the LLC complies with the statute.
Continue reading “New York Limited Liability Publication Requirements”Pitfalls to Avoid When Filing a New LLC in New York

How Do I Close My Company?

When the time comes to end operations of your company and dissolve the business entity, there are routine steps to take that make the process easier.
Continue reading “How Do I Close My Company?”2021 Nationwide Secretary of State Office Closings
Scheduled holidays and closings for secretary of state offices nationwide.

Do you have filing deadlines in 2021? Are you organizing staffing for next year?
These are two of the many reasons to consult and save our calendar of State Holidays and Closings for 2021.
View our Calander on Google Calendar or Download in ical format
Continue reading “2021 Nationwide Secretary of State Office Closings”Why Do Lawyers Use Legal Pads?