Scheduled holidays and closings for secretary of state offices nationwide.

Do you have filing deadlines in 2021? Are you organizing staffing for next year?
These are two of the many reasons to consult and save our calendar of State Holidays and Closings for 2021.
View our Calander on Google Calendar or Download in ical format
1/1/2021 | New Year’s Day | Closed: All States Closed Blumberg Office are Closed |
1/2/2021 | New Year’s Holiday | Closed: Tennessee |
1/15/2021 | Lee-Jackson Day | Closed: Virginia |
1/18/2021 | Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday* | Closed: All States * In AL, AR and MS, also Robert E. Lee’s Birthday; in AZ, also Civil Rights Day; in ID, also Idaho Human Rights Day; in WY, also WY Equality Day |
2/12/2021 | Lincoln’s Birthday | Closed: Connecticut, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan |
2/15/2021 | Presidents’ Day | Closed: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming Blumberg Office are Closed |
2/16/2021 | Mardi Gras | Closed: Alabama, Louisiana |
3/2/2021 | Town Meeting Day | Closed: Vermont |
3/2/2021 | Texas Independent Day | Closed: Texas |
3/26/2021 | Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day (observed) | Closed: Hawaii |
3/29/2021 | Seward’s Day | Closed: Alaska |
3/31/2021 | Cesar Chavez Day | Closed: California, texas |
4/02/2021 | Good Friday | Closed: Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Indiana, Louisiana, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Tennessee |
4/16/2021 | Emancipation Day | Closed: District of Columbia |
4/19/2021 | Patriot’s Day | Closed: Maine, Massachusetts |
4/21/2021 | San Jacinto Day | Closed: Texas |
4/26/2021 | Confederate Memorial Day | Closed: Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi |
4/30/2021 | Arbor Day | Closed: Nebraska |
5/7/2021 | Truman Day | Closed: Missouri |
5/11/2021 | Confederate Memorial Day | Closed: North Carolina, South Carolina |
5/31/2021 | Memorial Day | Closed: All States Closed Blumberg Office are Closed |
6/07/2021 | Jefferson Davis’ Birthday | Closed: Alabama |
6/11/2021 | King Kamehameha Day | Closed: Hawaii |
7/5/2021 | Independence Day | Closed: All States Closed Blumberg Office are Closed |
7/23/2021 | Pioneer Day | Closed: Utah |
8/09/2021 | Victory Day | Closed: Rhode Island |
8/16/2021 | Bennington Battle Day | Closed: Vermont |
8/18/2021 | Alaska Day | Closed: Alaska |
8/20/2021 | Statehood Day | Closed: Hawaii |
8/27/2021 | Lyndon Baines Johonson Day | Closed: Texas |
9/6/2021 | Labor Day | Closed: All States Closed Blumberg Office are Closed |
10/11/2021 | Native Americans’ Day | Closed: South Dakota |
10/11/2021 | Columbus Day | Closed: Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia |
10/18/2021 | Alaska Day | Closed: Alaska |
10/29/2021 | Nevada Day | Closed: Nevada |
11/2/2021 | General Election Day | Closed: Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island |
11/11/2021 | Veterans Day | Closed: All States Closed Blumberg Office are Open |
11/25/2021 | Thanksgiving Day | Closed: All States Closed Blumberg Office are Closed |
11/26/2021 | Day After Thanksgiving | Closed: California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington Blumberg Office are Closed |
12/24/2021 | Christmas Public Holiday | Closed: All States Closed Blumberg Office are Closed |
12/25/2021 | Day After Christmas | Closed:Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia |
12/31/2021 | New Years Eve | Closed:Wisconsin |
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