It’s never too early to consider writing your will or setting up a trust for the future. Using an experienced estate planning attorney can help you make informed decisions about the best way for you to plan to distribute your estate after you’ve passed on.
Creating a will is an important task that everyone needs to do at some point. When creating it, you’ll need to name someone as the executor. This is the person who will do all the tasks that you used to do. This includes things like selling assets, distributing assets to others, and paying creditors. It’s an important task, so you’ll want to find the right person to handle it for you. Here’s how to pick just the right executor for your will.
As grandparents, we know how much you love your grandchildren. The retirement phase of life allows many older adults to spend time with their favorite young people. While they may be young now, it’s natural to be concerned about their financial future. Throughout your adulthood, you may have accrued a substantial retirement that will sustain you through the twilight years – and beyond.
As you continue to age, perhaps you’ve wondered about leaving some assets behind for your beloved relatives.
Estate planning in the United States has evolved from English, European, and Middle Eastern traditions. During Biblical times, custom required people to leave property to their firstborn. Centuries later in Greek and Roman times, decedents could transfer property to other people. Estate planning remained mostly unwritten until the Middle Ages when Roman Emperor Justinian adopted a law requiring written wills. The requirement for written wills was perpetuated by English statutes adopted during the Post-Medieval Period. In modern times, written estate plans are still essential for individuals wanting to distribute property to family, friends, and others of their choosing.
Yul Brynner
July 11, 1915
Siberia, Russia
October 10, 1985
New York Hospital
New York, New York
Born on the island of Sakhalin off the coast of Siberia in the Soviet Union to a Rumanian mother and father who was a Mongolian mining engineer, Yul Brynner’s exotic background added to the regal aura about him. As the perennial King in the theater and film versions of “The King and I”, Brynner commanded that particular role the way no other actor ever had and has come to be identified with that particular part. It was well stated in a review by the New York Times, “Yul Brynner’s performance in ‘The King and I’… can no longer be regarded as a feat of acting or of endurance. After 30-odd years of on-and-off barnstorming, Mr. Brynner is quite simply, The King. Man and role long since merged into a fixed image that is as much a part of our collective consciousness as the Statue of Liberty.” Continue reading “The King Must Die”
Jim Morrison
December 8, 1943 Melbourne, Florida
July 3, 1971
Paris, France
When rock superstar Jim Morrison died at the age of twenty-seven in a bathtub in Paris, he left a lyrical legacy that is etched into the consciousness of a generation. As the incendiary lead singer for the sixties rock group The Doors, Morrison helped light the flames and fan the fires of that decade. One of The Doors’ first and best-known songs was “Light My Fire,” which became an anthem for the flower children of the sixties. Another song, performed particularly graphically by Morrison, was “The End,” in which the protagonist in the song has an Oedipal encounter with his mother and ends up murdering both of his parents. Strange days, indeed.
By Mike Forman COO and VP, Chief Financial Officer, Blumberg
In a world of fast paced, online financial data, it has become increasingly difficult to manage and maintain all our information. Paper vs. paperless, websites, user names and passwords as well as data encryption have most of us struggling to keep a handle on all of it. Now imagine your loved ones having to figure all this out upon your passing. Trying to locate your assets, life insurance and related documents could be a monumental task. Where would they begin?
Walt Disney
December 5, 1901
Chicago, Illinois
December 15, 1966
St. Joseph’s Hospital
Los Angeles, California
A Mickey Mouse Operation
Walter Elias Disney was raised on a farm. That might partially explain his fascination with mice, ducks, dogs, deer, crickets, pigs, and just about every other kind of animal real or imagined. In his creations of Mickey and Minnie, Donald and Daffy, Pluto, Bambi, Jiminy, and three little pigs, it has been said that Disney was the first person to give animals a soul and imbue them with dis-tinct personalities. Continue reading “A Mickey Mouse Operation”
Mark Twain
November 30, 1835
Florida, Missouri
April 21, 1910
Redding, Connecticut
Named Samuel Langhorne Clemens at his birth in Missouri, he took his nom de plume of “Mark Twain” from the expression used by Mississippi River boatmen to describe a certain depth of the water. With his pen name picked, Twain wrote about life on the Mississippi or on other bodies of water, as in his first famous book, Innocents Abroad, about his adventures on a steamship bound for the Holy Land. Continue reading ““The Reports of My Death Are Greatly Exaggerated””